Pink Berry

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Ani Ghazaryan
Ani Ghazaryan

We present an interview with Ani Kazarayan, co-founder of Pink Berry.

-How did you decide to start a business? 

-I never thought I would have my own business. My husband founded our business while I was working at a bank. However, after the birth of our child, I started helping my husband, and that's how our joint business venture began.

-What motivates you?

-Currently, we have so many responsibilities that motivation takes a back seat.

-What makes you smile? 

-My children, their smiles, and my friends bring a smile to my face.

-How do you balance family and business? 

-It's challenging, but I do my best to find a balance between my family and business commitments.

-How do you deal with difficulties? 

-I mentally visualize the difficulties and imagine the worst possible outcome. I accept that even if that happens, I have to face it and then immediately focus on taking action.

-Tell us about your new projects and the company's prospects. 

There are many surprises in store for us:

  • This year, we are launching the Pink Berry Ice Cream franchise concept.
  • Our goal is to make Pink Berry a nationwide brand.
  • We are planning to introduce a new restaurant format.