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Ani Khachatryan
Ani Khachatryan

We present you an interview with the founder and director of the company "Mind Center" Ani Khachatryan.

- Describe your activity?

-Mind Center has been operating for about 5 years, since 2017. With the help of specially developed programs, we introduce children to the professions of the future - robotics, programming, graphic design. We also implement classes with LEGO, contests, the Class project, summer, autumn and winter schools, techno camps, quests and other programs. Our main goal is to identify and develop mental and brain abilities through constructive games and STEM learning. Mind Center courses and programs are designed for children aged 5 to 15 years.

- How did I decide to start a business?

-The idea to start a business arose abroad when my family and I found ourselves in LEGOLAND, where the children were free, could only connect a few parts and get a lot of combinations. This means that everyone can create indefinitely. In addition, my son was very fond of building constructors, after which he began to study robotics. My husband bought a robot, and together they started researching, building and programming. With the help of a robot, he so easily perceived mathematics, physics, natural phenomena, programming, understood logical connections, sequences of actions, etc. As a result of all this, I realized that it is also important for our Armenian children to learn all this from childhood, and we are ready to share our knowledge and encourage love for science and technology. We wanted to contribute to the education of generations and the development of the country. As a result, Mind Center was founded on November 18, 2017.

- What motivates you?

- I constantly have new, crazy and seemingly incredible ideas, and I get very excited when I try to implement them, and it turns out. I am motivated by the people around me, nature, travel and the feeling of overcoming difficulties and getting results. I am also motivated by the opportunity to share my many years of experience and knowledge with others, as well as to make changes in the corporate culture.

- What makes you smile?

- I almost always smile, even if there are problems or just irritation. A smile helps to overcome all difficulties. It is the smile that helps to smile.

- How do you combine family and business?

-In fact, it's a little difficult to combine, because doing business requires a lot of time and a lot of responsibility. If you work as an employee, you can finish work and return home at the appointed time. In the case of your own business, the situation is a little different. Responsibility is greater, there are more things to do. However, a balance is needed in everything. I really love my family and every second spent with each of my family members. I'm trying to combine them and I think I'm getting it. When a person who has taken place in a working environment, the family is calmer, more harmonious and happier, and the family only benefits from this. Thank you for having such a family, especially my husband, who supports me, rejoices at my success and helps in all matters.

- How do you cope with difficulties?

- There are always difficulties, it is important how you perceive and treat them. I think difficulties are just a problem that either should not be paid attention to, or you need to go to it with a risk and look for a solution. So far, thanks to courage and analytical thinking, I overcome current difficulties with optimism.

-Tell us about your new projects and the company's prospects?

- There are a lot of new ideas and projects, steps are being taken to expand the company, programs and spread the company's culture in the regions of Armenia and abroad.
There is a great desire to create a techno camp with modern conditions for children, sports fields, playgrounds, technically equipped classrooms in some picturesque place of Armenia, in the bosom of nature, where children will have the opportunity to combine active, healthy leisure with education, learn robotics, programming, and implement their own projects.

- Do you have any innovations that you would like to talk about?

- We are going to release STEM video tutorials in Armenian, thanks to which children from all over the world will have the opportunity to study programming, mathematics, physics. The project will soon be available on the Armenian Uteach platform.