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Gayane Baghdasaryan
Gayane Baghdasaryan

Introducing the interview with Gayane Baghdasaryan, the founder and director of "City Beauty & Elka Beauty Salon".

-How did you decide to start the business?

-The main reason for starting this business was my desire for women to feel well-groomed and confident at any age. I believe that taking care of oneself plays a significant role in women's self-esteem.

-What makes you smile?

-Engaging in selfless acts of kindness always brings a smile to my face. Witnessing people's genuine efforts to make a positive impact reminds me that there are still good-hearted individuals, and it fills me with joy.

-What motivates you?

-The outcomes and achievements of my work serve as strong motivators for me to strive for more. Seeing the results of my efforts encourages me to keep pushing forward and aiming higher.

-How do you combine family and business?

-Currently, I haven't started a family, so combining family and business responsibilities is not a challenge for me. I am able to dedicate my time and energy solely to my business endeavors.

-How do you cope with difficulties?

-I believe that every moment can bring new challenges, and it is important to approach them with a flexible mindset and find situational solutions. I tackle difficulties by adapting to the circumstances and seeking appropriate ways to overcome them.

-Tell us about your new projects and the company's prospects.

-I apologize, but I cannot disclose any confidential information about my new projects or the future prospects of the company. I prefer not to discuss my plans and goals prematurely and focus on executing them effectively.