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Lusine Poghosyan
Lusine Poghosyan

We present to you the founder of the company 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐞, Lusine Poghosyan.

-How did I decide to start a business?

-I have been involved in the fitness industry for a long time, and even at a young age, I had the opportunity to work in various jobs. However, I realized that the traditional 9-6 jobs were not suitable for me as I am someone who thrives in a different work environment.

-What motivates you?

-My motivation comes from setting and achieving my goals. While long-term goals may not be immediately visible, I focus on short-term goals that keep me motivated. When I accomplish one goal, I quickly set the next one because having a clear goal in mind helps me start each day with purpose.

-What makes you smile?

-My children, husband, family members, and colleagues bring a smile to my face. I generally have a cheerful disposition and find joy in the presence of my loved ones.

-How do you combine family and business?

-Combining family and business can be challenging, but I make every effort to avoid making mistakes in both areas. However, I am also realistic and understand that there may be drawbacks or difficulties along the way.

-How do you cope with difficulties?

-The past year has been particularly challenging, but it has also made me realize that I am capable of overcoming difficulties. I have developed a mindset that embraces challenges as a normal part of life and find ways to overcome them.

-Tell us about your new projects and the company's prospects.

-In the upcoming years, 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐞 will embark on an exciting new project. While I won't go into details, our continuous development and growth are evident to any client who has visited us over the years. We strive to improve every day and offer the best experience to our clients.