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Magda Karapetyan
Magda Karapetyan

We present you an interview with the founder and director of the company "Mornin LLC", Magda Karapetyan.

- Describe your activity?

-One of the important elements of the Mornin LLC company's ideology was the creation of a production facility that promotes the processing of agricultural products, the production of healthy food, the creation of jobs in rural communities and the employment of young people with autism. The company "Mornin LLC" has developed the MORNIN brand, which represents the following types of muesli on the market: muesliME, muesliYOU, muesliCHOCO, muesliSPORT.

- How did you decide to open your business?

-Based on my many years of experience, there was a desire to create a new brand, new products and understand the real world of business, which would become a new stage in my personal development, full of new and challenges. My expectations were quickly met, but, of course, there are laws in the business world that need to be followed. It is necessary to be brave, full of aspiration and never lose the fighting spirit.

- What motivates you?

- The biggest motivation for me is the goal. When you have a clear goal, you find sources of motivation in various people and situations.

- What brings a smile to your face?

-Positive relationships with people. This is how a person can make you sad or happy. A person can give hope, and can cause despair. You have to choose your people wisely.

- How do you combine family life and business?

-Difficulties are an integral part of business development and personality formation. When you find like-minded people, it becomes easier to reflect and find solutions. Sometimes complete solitude in nature can give you new strength.

-Tell us about your new projects and the company's prospects?

-The prospects of the company "Mornin LLC" are to create sustainable production processes and stable sales that will serve the main ideas and goals of the company, as well as be in demand and recognized in the market.

- Do you have any innovations that you would like to talk about?

-The high demand and the need for a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle create great opportunities for new products in our company. We plan to release new products that contribute to a comfortable and healthy life.